Friday 4 October 2013

Types of techniques, sound and editing used.

In this clip I will explain the following techniques:
-camera techniques
There was a close up shot of two gasoline tanks which he was going to use to blow up. At the beginning you will see James (protagonist)  picking whilst the antagonist threw bombs through the window. They used the close up shot so that we can clearly see what we expected he was going to do with the tank, blow them up.

Most of the sounds in this clip were explosions, helicopters and intense background music. The background music had been playing as soon as the clip started and then came the helicopter sounds and huge explosions.
The background music was quite intense and that was the point, to build tension because you don't know what's going to happen.

You can tell That there has been a lot of CGI (Control General Imagery). When they blew up the house and that with real fire it's dangerous if it was real life. They use a green screen so that it would look like explosions were happening but it's all fake, they just act in front of a green or blue screen and then edit it.

1 comment:

  1. WOW: You picked a great clip to analyse and picked out one clear point for each technique.

    NOW: Although you show the evidence, you need to deepen your explanations.

    HOW: Keep thinking about why they have chosen a particular shot/sound/edit over another. How is this effective and how do the audience react to it?
