Monday 9 December 2013

This Lynx advert had represented women negatively as it has been used to seduce men, basically sex appeal.
This advert explains that you should use this product because they are trying to make you think that this product will make you clean as well as seduce the ladies with this product. It is targeted towards men as the brand 'Lynx' is mainly for men and the fact that there is a half naked women.

The Dove advert represents women positively because it's making women believe that they have beautiful skin and Dove has made a campaign about it which is what they are advertising. As you can see the women in this advert has a lot of  spots but that doesn't stop her skin from feeling and looking beautiful. Dove has made a campaign for 'real beauty', so that every girl in the world shouldn't care what they have on their skin. This Ad is targeted towards teenagers and women because they are the main age group that have insecurities about their skin.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What does the copy on the Lynx advert suggest?

    In the Dove ad, what do the words "flawed" and "flawless" imply about societies beliefs?
