Saturday 14 December 2013

1. The adverts promotes Listerine which is a company/ brand that makes mouthwash.

2. The facts that the product provide is that 1/3 people have halitosis (bad breath) which makes the women aware

 that having bad breath has to be solved and it will be solved with Listerine. 

3. Men don't care if their breath smells or if any other men are back chatting behind their back but women on the 

other hand care. They don't like women back stabbing about their breath because it makes them feel down,

 so this advert is suggesting you try their product if you want fresh breath and women to stop back chatting.

4. The advert is appealing to women as it shows women that they don't know themselves whether their breath 

stinks or not, other women do which causes them to back chat. Women are fragile which is why the advert

appeals to them mostly.

5.  The Advert uses emotional appeal, when it says 'Halitosis is the one unforgivable thing.' This

 makes women  think that you cannot be happy with halitosis and that will trigger their  emotions into buying the


6.  This ad suggests that societies at this time were quite bitchy, especially women because all

 they know how to do is back stab. 

7.  I Think that the people in the ad definitely represent the typical 1920's people. Speaking 

stereotypically, in the 20's most of the people didn't have a great personality and this ad shows

 that it's true.

Monday 9 December 2013

This Lynx advert had represented women negatively as it has been used to seduce men, basically sex appeal.
This advert explains that you should use this product because they are trying to make you think that this product will make you clean as well as seduce the ladies with this product. It is targeted towards men as the brand 'Lynx' is mainly for men and the fact that there is a half naked women.

The Dove advert represents women positively because it's making women believe that they have beautiful skin and Dove has made a campaign about it which is what they are advertising. As you can see the women in this advert has a lot of  spots but that doesn't stop her skin from feeling and looking beautiful. Dove has made a campaign for 'real beauty', so that every girl in the world shouldn't care what they have on their skin. This Ad is targeted towards teenagers and women because they are the main age group that have insecurities about their skin.

Saturday 30 November 2013

If you look to the bottom right you will see the logo of Loreal Paris. Just above it it has their slogan 'because your worth it.'
They have used Celebrity endorsement (Cheryl Cole). This will make the viewers think that she uses the product to get her flawless skin, this will make them buy the product.
They have also used statistics at the top where it says 97% of UK Skin tones true matched, notice the 'true match' is in bold, which makes it stand out.

The Connotation of this advert is that this foundation by Loreal will make your skin look like Cheryl Cole's skin- flawless.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Attension Appeal

Early Advertising

The Great Fire of London in 1666 was a boost to this type of advertisement, as people used newspapers in the after the fire to advertise lost & found, and changes of address.

Advertising and the Industrial Revolution

When goods were handmade, by local craftsmen, in small quantities, there was
no need for advertising. 

Bubbles — the Pears' Soap Advertising Innovation

Thomas bought the copyright to a painting by noted Pre-Raphaelite artist, Sir John Everett Millais, originally
called 'Bubbles'. 

The First Advertising Agencies

These agencies sold themselves to companies and would have a way of telling the audience about their product, that's how copyright was made.

Advertising Through The Great Depression

Goods such as card, washing machines and radio grams all needed ads, that's when advertising quickly took over.

Tuesday 12 November 2013


I like this video because it is entertaining and is relevant to the company they are advertising.
The fact that its interesting is that she comes in dancing and doesn't realize that she is dancing to old people. 
The advert targets people who don't have great eyesight. 


This is advertising McDonalds new wraps. they are trying to show people that they are healthy. They are showing vegetables around the wraps, inferring that the product is healthy and extremely tasty. 
also they are targeting people on a diet because they put vegetables around the wraps.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Conventional Element
How is it used in Action/Adventure films?

The Protagonist is used as a hero in the film. He/ She always have a weakness in the film, mainly their love, crush, family, friends or just innocent people.
The protagonist’s job is to save lives and defeat the antagonist. Protagonists always wear big, bright and bold colours so that anyone can spot him. He/ She always has a power as well. For example, superman can fly.

The Antagonists is used as a villain in the film. He/ She will always want to take down the protagonist no matter what. He will use the protagonist’s family, love, friends or innocent people to get him into a trap. The antagonists always wear dark colours such as black, grey, brown and sometimes white, the dark colours represent evil. The antagonist can sometimes have power but mainly have weapons.
Other characters

Other characters in the film are usually from the protagonist’s normal life, when he isn’t saving the world he’s just a normal boy and the people around him have no idea he’s a protagonist. Other characters could also be from the villain’s side, maybe from his army, his minions.

The plot of the film in an action/ adventure must always have some trouble. At the beginning things are really well in the film for the protagonists till the antagonists comes and tries to destroy everything. In the end things go back to the way they were or he dies. The point of a plot it that it summaries the film.

The locations are usually set in the day but when bad things happen they are always in the dark. Such as a dark alley or at night.

When it comes to the soundtrack, the sweet lovey dobby bits are always sweet and romantic and then the music will  change when things start to get intense.

 In an action/ Adventure the camera work makes the antagonist look weak and horrifying person , that way the protagonist look macho and really strong.


 The mise-en-scene in an action adventure film is mostly the antagonist and protagonist fighting. The background is usually dark because that way not alot of people will see them and mostly to make the clothes stand out.

 In action/ adventure editing is used by making fight scenes more effective by adding fast pace and slow motion. Editing make the scene more intense.

 The representation of the antagonists is portrayed as evil and a bad influence whilst the protagonist is represented as a positive influence on young children.

Friday 4 October 2013

Types of techniques, sound and editing used.

In this clip I will explain the following techniques:
-camera techniques
There was a close up shot of two gasoline tanks which he was going to use to blow up. At the beginning you will see James (protagonist)  picking whilst the antagonist threw bombs through the window. They used the close up shot so that we can clearly see what we expected he was going to do with the tank, blow them up.

Most of the sounds in this clip were explosions, helicopters and intense background music. The background music had been playing as soon as the clip started and then came the helicopter sounds and huge explosions.
The background music was quite intense and that was the point, to build tension because you don't know what's going to happen.

You can tell That there has been a lot of CGI (Control General Imagery). When they blew up the house and that with real fire it's dangerous if it was real life. They use a green screen so that it would look like explosions were happening but it's all fake, they just act in front of a green or blue screen and then edit it.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

          Sound terminology

There are many different sounds in sound terminology such as:

- Dialogue : conversation between two people

-Music: sound played in the film

-Sound effects: sound which is edited into the movie

-Foley: Live sounds added into the movie

-Synchronous: Sounds that fit into the image.

Tuesday 17 September 2013